The Pitfalls of a Defective Plumbing System

Homeowners are most often not aware of the signs of a defective plumbing system. Unless a major incident happens like water bursting from the pipes, they do not put much effort and attention to it. The little signs are often what trigger leaks and malfunctioning water connections.

  1. Take the example of a gurgling sound that is heard from somewhere every time you open a kitchen faucet. One would think that it is probably normal and will pass away in time. However, this may be signaling something else.

One way to check this is to flush a liter or two of water down the sink. If the sound becomes louder and water overflows from the floor where a drain is also set up, say the laundry area, there definitely is a problem. It might be that the water was blocked from flowing freely because there is something wrong with the way the pipes were installed, especially if they are interconnected.

  1. Another sign of a faulty system is bad or sewer-like odor emanating from the bathroom or kitchen sink every time you open the faucet or flush water down the drain. Possible reasons for this are leaks from rotted or cracked drain pipes, a clogged drain, a vent pipe that is too short, or a dry trap.
  2. Did you notice that your water in the bathtub has turned yellowish or brownish? This might be the consequence of decaying or corroded pipes.
  3. Minor leaks should never be disregarded, especially if it is recurring or appearing at irregular intervals. This is where the big problem usually starts.

There might be DIY or simple remedies that you can turn to for some of the most common plumbing problems. However, these do not guarantee long-term solutions and may only worsen the situation. Hire a plumber to do a total inspection. This will save you time and money, not to mention freeing you from the stress a broken plumbing system brings.

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